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Trend Electronics Co. Ltd
1,000+ downloads

About LogiCloud

The App, called LogiCloud, is a Android Pad or Phone interface special for WiFi storage.

Using the app, user can friendly exchange the data with the external WiFi storage, whatever, music, photo or even the movie video.
LogiCloud provide not only single user, but also several users can enjoy the storage in the same time. For example, She, your girlfriend maybe, can using Android's App to see the movie stored in the WiFi Storage, and you can enjoy the WiFi Storage's MP3 music in the same time.
In addition, we also can sort the file into several type, including, music photo, video and document. You can just touch one icon to get all of the file type stored in the media area. Of course, use can operate the simple file management, for example create directory, delete file ... and so on.
We also provide friendly UI for virtual AP setting, that's means, user can use the WiFi storage and going to internet in the same time.
Simply to say, it is a great App interface for WiFi storage, by using the App, user can easierly use the external storage space to store, exchange her or his data.

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