Rediscovering the exam provides a unique experience of prayer that fits your needs and mood. Each exam, based on prayer that St. Ignatius wrote more than 500 years ago, guides you through a stimulating reflection on your day, helping to make God a participant in the essence of your life. Choose a test that reflects the moment you find it, or pray reflection of the day.
Rediscover the exam is a creation of Loyola Press and is based on the popular book by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ "Rediscovering the Ignatian Examen", offering flexible and adaptable Test versions.
What is the Ignatian Exam?
San Ignacio de Loyola devised the test in the form of a short prayer that you can pray at any time. The Review reviewed the recent past to find God and His blessings in our daily lives. St. Ignatius said that the review should be the most important of the day, because now affects all other times.
How do you take the exam?
There is a simple five-step routine for daily exam, for which this application guide you:
1. Savor the moments where things went well and all the gifts you have received today.
2. Ask the Spirit guide you as you go over the day.
3. Review your day.
4. Repent of any error or fault.
5. Decide, concretely, to live well tomorrow.
Examination brings the presence of God in daily life. It helps you to:
- join more closely to God;
- see the point of view of God in your daily life;
- give thanks for the countless gifts that have appeared in your day, and even to perceive the presence of God in these gifts;
- give the opportunity to recognize your faults and ask forgiveness for them, feel sorrow for your failures and sorrows and heal them;
- understand what is really happening beneath the surface of your thoughts, words and deeds and to know the very source of your motivations;
- discern how to handle the thorniest aspects of your life, to recognize what the inner gifts you need to receive from God to do the right thing tomorrow and explicitly ask those gifts to God.
Rediscover the exam is a creation of Loyola Press and is based on the popular book by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ "Rediscovering the Ignatian Examen", offering flexible and adaptable Test versions.
What is the Ignatian Exam?
San Ignacio de Loyola devised the test in the form of a short prayer that you can pray at any time. The Review reviewed the recent past to find God and His blessings in our daily lives. St. Ignatius said that the review should be the most important of the day, because now affects all other times.
How do you take the exam?
There is a simple five-step routine for daily exam, for which this application guide you:
1. Savor the moments where things went well and all the gifts you have received today.
2. Ask the Spirit guide you as you go over the day.
3. Review your day.
4. Repent of any error or fault.
5. Decide, concretely, to live well tomorrow.
Examination brings the presence of God in daily life. It helps you to:
- join more closely to God;
- see the point of view of God in your daily life;
- give thanks for the countless gifts that have appeared in your day, and even to perceive the presence of God in these gifts;
- give the opportunity to recognize your faults and ask forgiveness for them, feel sorrow for your failures and sorrows and heal them;
- understand what is really happening beneath the surface of your thoughts, words and deeds and to know the very source of your motivations;
- discern how to handle the thorniest aspects of your life, to recognize what the inner gifts you need to receive from God to do the right thing tomorrow and explicitly ask those gifts to God.
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