FreshX brings to you the best in on-site dining. With the ability to securely load your credit cards and meal cards, you can pay for anything directly from your phone. Better yet, turn on hands-free payments and you won’t even need to pull out your phone! With your balance report, you will always be up to date on what you have left on your meal card.
With mobile order, you can order your favorite items wherever you are, whenever you need it. Skip all the hassles of waiting in line. See what’s available in the kitchen today, with up-to-date menus. Our new feedback feature allows you to talk to someone who will listen and help you with any questions or feedback you may have.
With mobile order, you can order your favorite items wherever you are, whenever you need it. Skip all the hassles of waiting in line. See what’s available in the kitchen today, with up-to-date menus. Our new feedback feature allows you to talk to someone who will listen and help you with any questions or feedback you may have.
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