Kirimkan kado ke tempat anak-anak yang sudah tidur di malam natal, hati-hati dengan bola salju yang jatuh dari langit, Sentuh layar untuk memutar arah kereta salju. Mainkan gamenya dan buat record baru. selamat hari natal.
Gratis dan tanpa iklan - Angel Anlee
Send gifts to the children who had gone to bed on Christmas Eve, be careful with the falling snow ball from the sky, touch the screen to rotate the direction of the sleigh. play the game, create a new record. Merry Christmas.
Free and no ads - Angel Anlee
Gratis dan tanpa iklan - Angel Anlee
Send gifts to the children who had gone to bed on Christmas Eve, be careful with the falling snow ball from the sky, touch the screen to rotate the direction of the sleigh. play the game, create a new record. Merry Christmas.
Free and no ads - Angel Anlee
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