Cultural and Sports Association Pauferrense of Capoeira
The Cultural and Sports Association Pauferrense de Capoeira (APCAP), was founded on September 16, 2012, in the city of Pau dos Ferros, having as its founder, Itanildo Gonzaga (Mestre Popai), from the Terra do Sol group, from the Grand Master Indian (Cícero Alves do Nascimento).
On July 20, 1997, he returned to Pau dos Ferros - RN - Mestre Popai, after 16 years of developing his work in that municipality, he felt the need to legalize it, decided to found and officialize his association, thus founding APCAP. At the same time, the methodology of the Capoeira Terra do Sol Group was adapted and adopted.
The Cultural and Sports Association Pauferrense de Capoeira (APCAP), was founded on September 16, 2012, in the city of Pau dos Ferros, having as its founder, Itanildo Gonzaga (Mestre Popai), from the Terra do Sol group, from the Grand Master Indian (Cícero Alves do Nascimento).
On July 20, 1997, he returned to Pau dos Ferros - RN - Mestre Popai, after 16 years of developing his work in that municipality, he felt the need to legalize it, decided to found and officialize his association, thus founding APCAP. At the same time, the methodology of the Capoeira Terra do Sol Group was adapted and adopted.
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