iRocket seeks to provide CAC-cardless derived credentials for personal devices using Purebred-YubiKey-PKI-Authentication technologies.
Desired Outcomes:
• Airmen can perform micro self-help tasks on their personal device at their convenience to optimize their medical and mission readiness
• Organizational leadership teams can utilize secure communication (.mil email) for emergent command needs.
• Enabling technology outcomes strive to optimize and improve personal administration and performance of Medical and Mission Readiness, computer-based training, and personal human resource and financial management responsibilities.
Desired Outcomes:
• Airmen can perform micro self-help tasks on their personal device at their convenience to optimize their medical and mission readiness
• Organizational leadership teams can utilize secure communication (.mil email) for emergent command needs.
• Enabling technology outcomes strive to optimize and improve personal administration and performance of Medical and Mission Readiness, computer-based training, and personal human resource and financial management responsibilities.
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