This animated sticker package of a collection of cute hats,glasses and graves animated
Gentlemen1 stickers is a plugin that only works inside Magic Finger-the Most Popular Live
Wallpaper DIY Maker(applying for versions above 1.0.1).You can download Magic Finger-Live
Wallpaper DIY Maker for FREE here:
To Use This Animated sticker Package of Gentlemen1 Inside Magic Finger:
*Open Magic Finger-Live Wallpaper DIY Maker;
*Choose photos for your DIY wallpaper and tap the Next button to go on;
*Click on the Particles option and you will see the Gentlemen1 stickers put inside the package
you have downloaded on Google Play;
*Then choose and use your favorite cats stickers in your DIY Wallpaper to make stunning HD
The Gentlemen animated sticker package have many fashionable elements,such as some hats of
british style、handsome sunglasses、correct tie and gentleman's moustache.If you want to be a
gentleman,download it.
Start to beautify and customize your phone with Magic Finger and this amazing Gentlemen1 sticker
package now.
Gentlemen1 stickers is a plugin that only works inside Magic Finger-the Most Popular Live
Wallpaper DIY Maker(applying for versions above 1.0.1).You can download Magic Finger-Live
Wallpaper DIY Maker for FREE here:
To Use This Animated sticker Package of Gentlemen1 Inside Magic Finger:
*Open Magic Finger-Live Wallpaper DIY Maker;
*Choose photos for your DIY wallpaper and tap the Next button to go on;
*Click on the Particles option and you will see the Gentlemen1 stickers put inside the package
you have downloaded on Google Play;
*Then choose and use your favorite cats stickers in your DIY Wallpaper to make stunning HD
The Gentlemen animated sticker package have many fashionable elements,such as some hats of
british style、handsome sunglasses、correct tie and gentleman's moustache.If you want to be a
gentleman,download it.
Start to beautify and customize your phone with Magic Finger and this amazing Gentlemen1 sticker
package now.
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