Our master Noah began his message by calling his people to believe in God Almighty alone and to encourage them to do so so that God would forgive their sins.
(He will forgive you your sins.) Our master Noah, peace be upon him, called his people by all means, secretly and publicly, day and night, to rid them of the ignorance they live in.
Our master Noah called his family for a period of nine hundred and fifty years, after which God commanded our master Noah, peace be upon him, to build a large ship to carry the believers.
(He will forgive you your sins.) Our master Noah, peace be upon him, called his people by all means, secretly and publicly, day and night, to rid them of the ignorance they live in.
Our master Noah called his family for a period of nine hundred and fifty years, after which God commanded our master Noah, peace be upon him, to build a large ship to carry the believers.
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