فوازير : تطبيق رقم #١ لمشاهدة ممتعة بدون توقف.
فوازير يسمح لك تشغيل جميع الفيديوهات والمشاهدة الرائعة علي هاتفك . خوض التجربة الشاملة وسهولة الاستخدام داخل التطبيق اللتي تتيح لك المشاهدة بالاضافة للعديد من المزايا والخصائص.
المميزات :
-التوصيل علي شاشات التلفزيون (تدعم كروم كاست).
-التشغيل في الخلفية حتي تستطيع المشاهدة مع باقي التطبيقات.
-تشغيل كل انواع الميديا والمشاهدة مباشرة.
-حفظ ذاكرة المشاهدة وتشغيلها مرة اخرى.
-امسح الكود وشارك التطبيق مع اصحابك وعائلتك.
Fozer : Number #1 Media Player for both Audio & Video
Fozer is a powerful player that allows you to play your favorite music and videos.Experience a comprehensive and colorful user interface that allows you to easily manage your media library and play your favorite content and With its advanced features, you can customize the experience to enjoy media files in the best way possible.
Basic Features :
-Cast your media to your smart TV using Google Cast.
-Brows your media files on : Phone , iCloud and Google Drive.
-Play your media directly using direct links.
-Enjoy both video and audio files in high quality using device hardware processing.
-Supported Video formats : mp4 , mkv , avi , m3u8 , webp.
-Supported Audio formats : mp3 , wav , m4r , m3u8.
-No need to save your media links each time , it's all saved in your recents list.
-Fullscreen with all your screen edges beneath the notch and dynamic island.
-Scan the code and share the app with your family.
Advanced Features :
-Audio : select your audio Equalizer according to your media type : classical , vocal, sport ..etc
-Audio : decrease your audio files noise by selecting appropraite pre-amplication levels.
-Video : unleash your device power by enabling Hardware Decoding for high resolution videos including 4K videos.
-Video : enhance your old videos quality by turning on Deinterlace Feature to convert your interlaced video into progressive form.
-Playback : control your buffer time (for slow internet networks).
-Playback : Loop or Stop your track after ending the media.
-Player : select between native player or advanced vlc framework player.
-Playlists : choose decoding way for your live media between .m3u/.ts files.
فوازير يسمح لك تشغيل جميع الفيديوهات والمشاهدة الرائعة علي هاتفك . خوض التجربة الشاملة وسهولة الاستخدام داخل التطبيق اللتي تتيح لك المشاهدة بالاضافة للعديد من المزايا والخصائص.
المميزات :
-التوصيل علي شاشات التلفزيون (تدعم كروم كاست).
-التشغيل في الخلفية حتي تستطيع المشاهدة مع باقي التطبيقات.
-تشغيل كل انواع الميديا والمشاهدة مباشرة.
-حفظ ذاكرة المشاهدة وتشغيلها مرة اخرى.
-امسح الكود وشارك التطبيق مع اصحابك وعائلتك.
Fozer : Number #1 Media Player for both Audio & Video
Fozer is a powerful player that allows you to play your favorite music and videos.Experience a comprehensive and colorful user interface that allows you to easily manage your media library and play your favorite content and With its advanced features, you can customize the experience to enjoy media files in the best way possible.
Basic Features :
-Cast your media to your smart TV using Google Cast.
-Brows your media files on : Phone , iCloud and Google Drive.
-Play your media directly using direct links.
-Enjoy both video and audio files in high quality using device hardware processing.
-Supported Video formats : mp4 , mkv , avi , m3u8 , webp.
-Supported Audio formats : mp3 , wav , m4r , m3u8.
-No need to save your media links each time , it's all saved in your recents list.
-Fullscreen with all your screen edges beneath the notch and dynamic island.
-Scan the code and share the app with your family.
Advanced Features :
-Audio : select your audio Equalizer according to your media type : classical , vocal, sport ..etc
-Audio : decrease your audio files noise by selecting appropraite pre-amplication levels.
-Video : unleash your device power by enabling Hardware Decoding for high resolution videos including 4K videos.
-Video : enhance your old videos quality by turning on Deinterlace Feature to convert your interlaced video into progressive form.
-Playback : control your buffer time (for slow internet networks).
-Playback : Loop or Stop your track after ending the media.
-Player : select between native player or advanced vlc framework player.
-Playlists : choose decoding way for your live media between .m3u/.ts files.
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