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Mahamay Business

Infinity Network
10+ downloads

About Mahamay Business

We bring you safely and comfortably to your destination. With Mahamay you can get around the city quickly, easily and inexpensively. But not only that: We also offer airport and courier trips as well as special security trips. Our drivers are competent, multilingual and eager to get you to your destination quickly and safely.

Mahamay Transport Service offers:

• Professional, multilingual drivers with a smart demeanor
• Personnel specially trained in safety issues
• Messenger services & trips for private & business customers
• Whether it's shopping or a business meeting – we'll get you there
• Airport trips: on request with a special limousine service
• Our services can also be booked on a daily or weekly basis if required
• Contactless payment possible


• Simply order your desired trip via the app
• Advance orders are possible
• Price & driver in your area are displayed immediately
• Arrive relaxed at your destination & enjoy your journey
• Payment and evaluation after the end of the trip

As a City Cab transport service provider, it is our job to ensure the safety of the people entrusted to us. Our Mahamay employees are always open and show that they are always at your side with help and protection.
Hop into the vehicle of your choice and enjoy a few quiet moments with a Mahamay flair.

If you have any questions or individual requests, please contact us at:

You can find more information here:

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