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BCU Check Deposit

Malauzai Software
3.7 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About BCU Check Deposit

With BCU Check Deposit App you can safely and securely make a deposit to your accounts anytime, anywhere. Our mobile check deposit app is FREE and allows you to:

• Process a deposit into your BCU Check Deposits savings or checking accounts
• View mobile check deposit history
• Contact our Customer Service

If you are already a BCU member, simply download the app from the Google Play Store and register with your member number, and begin your deposit. Please call Baptist CU with any questions at (800) 222-2328.

Security is our priority. Rest assured that your personal information is kept safe!

Contact Us--
You can contact us at (800) 222-2328, if you have any questions about the Baptist CU Mobile Check Deposit App.

BCU Check Deposit Screenshots