English Vocabulary Builder offline app lets you learn new English words using its interactive Flashcard Quiz format and improve your English Vocabulary every day.
Vocabulary Builder app has over 6800+ important words for free and is completely offline.
Vocabulary Builder app's WORD OF THE DAY feature provides you with an English Word every day so you learn a new English word every single day.
GRE Vocabulary Builder app includes the following features:
Learn new English words every day!
More than 6800+ hand-picked essential words for GRE vocab, IELTS
Audio pronunciation of each word in the app
Fully functional in offline mode
Meaning, example sentences, derivatives, synonyms, antonyms for each word
Log in to save your progress and switch your device hassle-free
Share a word with your friends and spread the knowledge
Search a word using speech
Mark a word as your favorite
Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced words sections
Qualify a level to unlock next level new words
Add new words
Mark any word as your favorite word to quickly view it later.
Switch between themes
Vocabulary Builder app has over 6800+ important words for free and is completely offline.
Vocabulary Builder app's WORD OF THE DAY feature provides you with an English Word every day so you learn a new English word every single day.
GRE Vocabulary Builder app includes the following features:
Learn new English words every day!
More than 6800+ hand-picked essential words for GRE vocab, IELTS
Audio pronunciation of each word in the app
Fully functional in offline mode
Meaning, example sentences, derivatives, synonyms, antonyms for each word
Log in to save your progress and switch your device hassle-free
Share a word with your friends and spread the knowledge
Search a word using speech
Mark a word as your favorite
Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced words sections
Qualify a level to unlock next level new words
Add new words
Mark any word as your favorite word to quickly view it later.
Switch between themes
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