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Techspectations 2023

Malayala Manorama Co. Ltd.
500+ downloads

About Techspectations 2023

Techspectations Digital Summit App is an innovative mobile application designed to enhance the experience of attending digital summits, conferences, and events. This app is a one stop solution for attendees, providing them with all the essential features and functionalities needed to get the most out of the event.

With Techspectations Digital Summit App, users can easily access event schedules, speaker bios, and presentation materials and get real-time updates on any changes or additions to the event program. They can also interact with other attendees, participate in polls and surveys, and engage in live Q&A sessions with speakers.

In addition to these features, the app also provides a QR code oriented admit pass, which delegates can screen at the welcome desk on the event day and secure entry.

Overall, Techspectations Mobile App is a must have tool for anyone attending this digital summit series providing them with a seamless and comprehensive experience.

Techspectations 2023 Screenshots