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Kml Kmz Gpx Viewer converter

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About Kml Kmz Gpx Viewer converter

View your POIs, KML, GPX directly on our interactive maps and on various other overlays!
Our GPS Viewer motto: Do-It-Yourself.... Custom Mapping!
Our GPS Viewer [GV] is a very simple app, everybody can use it!
GV allows you to create maps and profiles from any geographic data.
GV supports loading points, elevation contours, tracks, routes & even areas.
It is easy to use, yet powerful and extremely customizable.
Input can be in form of KML, KMZ and GPX (tracks, lines, areas, POIs and waypoints) received simply by email or loaded from a laptop or from any app able to create & export it.
GV can read and convert data files from all map makers in the following formats: GPX (a standard format used with many devices and programs, including Garmin GPS, eTrex, GPSMAP, Oregon, Dakota, Colorado, Garmin Forerunner & Nüvi series), Timex Trainer, Google Earth (.kml/.kmz), OziExplorer (kml/gpx), TomTom (gpx), Suunto X9/X9i (gpx), (.gpx), FAI/IGC glider logs, Jeppesen, Navionics, Fugawi, Compass, Lowrance, Simrad, Raymarine.
If you are an avid hiker or boater, this multi-format viewer is a must tool for better navigation.

Last but not least you can load all "www" generated POIs like:

Michigan Fall Leaf Color Tour
Hardee's USA
McDonalds USA/Canada
Flying J/Pilot Travel Plazas
Walmart, Sam's Clubs, and Super Walmart Centers in the United States & Canada (GPX,KML,KMZ)
Offbeat Tourist Attractions
Laws | Windshield Law and the GPS Receiver

Kml Kmz Gpx Viewer converter Screenshots