- قطع الكار من الدار is the fastest, safest and cheapest way to book coach tickets in Morocco and have all the information on the timetables and offers of the various bus passenger transport companies.
Search for your destination and choose from a wide range of coaches, depending on your preferred company, departure times, prices, types of coaches, etc.
Also select the seats where you want to sit and pay securely by credit card or in cash at a network of +1300 CashPlus or BaridCash branches throughout Morocco. is as easy as it is quick to use. All you have to do is enter the desired date as well as its departure and destination cities in order to obtain in real time the list of trips offered by the various companies serving the route (CTM, trans Tassaout, Globus, etc.)
On each trip, the platform displays all the information that a customer can request: duration, price, equipment and photo of the coach, etc., once the traveler finishes comparing the offers, all he has to do is choose your seat number and pay for your ticket is also fully secure, and banknotes can be paid in cash or by credit card via the CMI (Interbank Monetary Center). Once paid, a ticket code is immediately sent to the customer and the carrier, by email and SMS. All you have to do is show up at the departure address with this code to travel with confidence, all at no additional cost! wishes you a good trip! is the fastest, safest and cheapest way to book coach tickets in Morocco and have all the information on the timetables and offers of the various bus passenger transport companies.
Search for your destination and choose from a wide range of coaches, depending on your preferred company, departure times, prices, types of coaches, etc.
Also select the seats where you want to sit and pay securely by credit card or in cash at a network of +1300 CashPlus or BaridCash branches throughout Morocco. is as easy as it is quick to use. All you have to do is enter the desired date as well as its departure and destination cities in order to obtain in real time the list of trips offered by the various companies serving the route (CTM, trans Tassaout, Globus, etc.)
On each trip, the platform displays all the information that a customer can request: duration, price, equipment and photo of the coach, etc., once the traveler finishes comparing the offers, all he has to do is choose your seat number and pay for your ticket is also fully secure, and banknotes can be paid in cash or by credit card via the CMI (Interbank Monetary Center). Once paid, a ticket code is immediately sent to the customer and the carrier, by email and SMS. All you have to do is show up at the departure address with this code to travel with confidence, all at no additional cost! wishes you a good trip!
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