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مسجاتي مسجات ورسائل متنوعة

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100,000+ downloads

About مسجاتي مسجات ورسائل متنوعة

Msjati - Miscellaneous Msjat offers the best beautiful words to be shared among friends and copies the status and pastes it wherever you want from within the application.
We offer you the coolest cases of everything new for this year.
Share the most beautiful messages through social networking sites, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, and others.
The developer's messages - Various messages that contain messages that enable you to also add other messages via Gmail in any section you want. You just have to write a message and send it to us.

Contents includes a lot of sections. Download the program to see what we have.

Msjat developer departments - miscellaneous messages:
The main interface includes message sections.
- A list containing the application's participation, evaluation, and the addition of other messages from you.
It includes all the publications you want of all kinds.
Features of the developer's messages - various messages:
- Msjat longing - love - Msjat morning - evening
-love photos
-sad wallpapers
love pictures
- love wallpapers
-sad pictures
Many miscellaneous messages that are renewed every now and then.
* Share messages via social networking sites and others.
* Put the text you like in your favorites and return to it at a later time.
* Add other messages or messages from you that do not exist.
* Copy the paragraph and send it to whomever you want.
* Do not forget to rate us if you like the program.
To send us all new, follow us via Gmail
The update will be done continuously to add all new.

مسجاتي مسجات ورسائل متنوعة Screenshots