Applications Khairat Hisamudin Istana, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, Sepang, Selangor is provided for the convenience of charitable information as follows:
a) latest update charitable membership
b) Review the status of membership
c) Check warranty
d) Updating information on bail
e) Get a guide relations
Participation Agency Funeral, Hisamudin Sultan Mosque is open to all members of the mosque. List members can be checked on the notice board of the mosque, through the Committee or representatives appointed mosque or via this application.
Members may make revisions and so on in relation to the management of charitable to renew.
a) latest update charitable membership
b) Review the status of membership
c) Check warranty
d) Updating information on bail
e) Get a guide relations
Participation Agency Funeral, Hisamudin Sultan Mosque is open to all members of the mosque. List members can be checked on the notice board of the mosque, through the Committee or representatives appointed mosque or via this application.
Members may make revisions and so on in relation to the management of charitable to renew.
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