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CBSA Cari Beasiswa Sampingan A

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About CBSA Cari Beasiswa Sampingan A

Search Scholarship is an app that provides information on popular scholarships in Indonesia and the World. From private companies, SOEs and the Government (State)

Information on High School Scholarships, Vocational Scholarships, Bachelor Scholarships, S2 Scholarships, and S3 Scholarships.

Also share information on scholarships for all levels of education.
PAUD / Kindergarten Scholarship
Elementary School (SD) Scholarship / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)
Middle School (Madrasah) / Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Scholarships
High School Scholarship (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA)
College Scholarship

Scholarship information is also available in America
Study assistance in Malaysian universities
Help with further education costs to the UK
Study of Islam in Saudi Arabia
Study S1 and S2 in Qatar or Kuwait
Information about college experiences in Japan and South Korea
Sharing info about college in Russia

Equipped with search access to more than 350 official universities websites in Indonesia. And search access to more than 10,000 universities worldwide.

Plus an explanation of various top and prestigious scholarships abroad.

Use the Search Scholarships menu to find the latest and most updated Scholarships from the campuses and universities that you are targeting. Domestically or internationally.

In using the Scholarship Search menu, use specific keywords in your search to get as much detailed results as you want.

Thank you for installing the Scholarship application. Recommend to your friends.

The scholarship program that is usually opened every year, the name of the scholarship provider and the name of the scholarship program provided include:

Bidikmisi Scholarship. This program from the Indonesian government is targeting the next generation of the nation which is rich in achievement, but faces economic obstacles.
Astra Scholarship.
BCA Finance Scholarship.
LPDP Scholarship
Superior scholarship
National Champion Scholarship and Regional Champion Scholarship from the Tanoto Foundation.
One semester of study in America through the AMINEF Scholarship Program
Scholarship to Europe through Erasmus Mundus AREAS, Erasmus Mundus Lotus.
Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program. Scholarship Study in South Korea.
Scholarship from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
AusAID (Australian Development Scholarship / ADS) scholarships from the Australian government.
Monbukagakusho scholarship from the Japanese government,
ADB-Japan Scholarship Scholarship
Scholarship from The World Bank
The British Chevening Awards scholarship from the British government which is managed by the British Council
Fullbright scholarship from the United States government managed by AMINEF
NEC scholarship from the Dutch government
and many more.

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