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سبحه الاستغفار مسبحه واذكار

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About سبحه الاستغفار مسبحه واذكار

🔸 About the app 🔸

🔸 The Subha application gives you many features, including showing you the current count of the pressures. It also displays the total count of the praises in the event that you zeroed the lower praises counter. It also displays a screen that contains most of the praises with a system
🔸 Determine the appropriate rosary to start calculating the number of rosaries that you have made. The application also contains a list of settings with all the features
🔸 The application includes an electronic rosary with the feature of whistling all dhikr
🔸 The application includes the morning and evening remembrances and a large group of remembrances and supplications that every Muslim needs in his day. The morning remembrance is never indispensable, so that the Muslim has protection for him from every devil until evening. And sleep and remembrance of prayer and also remembrance after prayer
🔸 The morning and evening remembrances are among the most important things that a Muslim needs, especially his prayer beads, which help you to praise and remembrance of the prayer beads and remembrances of all this in one application. The Muslim remembrance is the only fortress for every Muslim
🔸 Praises and prayer beads are the same as prayer beads, with simple additions. Electronic rosaries are the perfect solution for praising. There is also a feature in the rosary that saves the last completed rosaries.
🔸 Remembrance of the Muslim and the electronic rosary is the application of the morning and evening remembrance and religious supplications Rosary, remembrance and supplication of istikhara, the need for qunoot is a large group of supplications that the Muslim needs in remembrance of the day and night
🔸 A rosary of remembrances includes a group of various supplications and remembrances, complete remembrances without the net
🔸 Remembrance of the Muslim without the net is an application that allows you to recite his rosary and remembrance at the same time with the vibration vibration feature for each stroke. Reset the remembrance counters
🔸 The supplication of need and a group of legitimate ruqyah from the legal ruqyah of the Prophet’s Sunnah and the ruqyah of the Qur’an
🔸 The application includes a large collection of Quranic supplications from the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Qur’an
🔸 A multiple version of the Qur’an with the narration of Hafs Warsh Qalun, while memorizing the last reading point you stopped at
🔸 The 99 names of Allah with full explanation of the names of Allah in Arabic and English
🔸 The application contains remembrances and many many supplications without the net
🔸 Remembrance without Net is the first free application
Among the features of the application:
🔸 The electronic rosary without the net
🔸 Morning and evening remembrances without the net
🔸 Remembrance written Muslim supplications
🔸 Vibration feature for pressure
🔸 The feature of searching for an update
🔸 The feature of resetting the dhikr counters and also all counters
🔸 Various praises with the supplications of the prophets and prophetic supplications without the net
🔸 A separate list of praises with an illuminating illustration of the current prayer

سبحه الاستغفار مسبحه واذكار Screenshots