Heya! Have you ever heard of the Kintamani dog? Kintamani dog is a native canine breed indigenous to the Kintamani region of the Bali Island!
Discover more awesome facts while playing Colortorial.
An educational game about Indonesian Culture and Colors!
As you trek across the islands of Indonesia, you will see and discover many amazing things relating to our ancient cultures, such as clothing, architecture, foods, animals and all kinds of local heritage.
Solve the sequence of colors in order to gain further insight to our amazing collection.
The other islands are available now in other apps. Collect all of the apps :D
You can also download the full version of Colortorial in appstore.
Don’t forget to connect ya, you don’t want to miss out on being part of the race!
Facebook: EMCO Paint
Twitter: EMCO Paint
Instagram: EMCO Paint
Pinterest: EMCO Paint
Youtube: EMCO Mataram
Colortorial by Mataram Paint
Discover more awesome facts while playing Colortorial.
An educational game about Indonesian Culture and Colors!
As you trek across the islands of Indonesia, you will see and discover many amazing things relating to our ancient cultures, such as clothing, architecture, foods, animals and all kinds of local heritage.
Solve the sequence of colors in order to gain further insight to our amazing collection.
The other islands are available now in other apps. Collect all of the apps :D
You can also download the full version of Colortorial in appstore.
Don’t forget to connect ya, you don’t want to miss out on being part of the race!
Facebook: EMCO Paint
Twitter: EMCO Paint
Instagram: EMCO Paint
Pinterest: EMCO Paint
Youtube: EMCO Mataram
Colortorial by Mataram Paint
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