This application converts a decimal number into its equivalent fraction. The decimal numbers that can be converted into fractions are: the exact decimals, the pure repeating decimals and the mixed repeating decimals.
The user has to introduce, firstly, the type of decimal to convert. Then the user has to introduce the decimal number. If the number is pure repeating we have to introduce the repetend (set of digits that is repeated) and
if the number is mixed repeating, we also have to introduce the finite part of the decimal (decimal digits that are not repeated and appear before the repetend).
After introducing the decimal number and pushing the button the app shows the steps to get the equivalent fraction.
The app also shows the type of decimals that can be converted into fraction and a brief explanation about each type.
The user has to introduce, firstly, the type of decimal to convert. Then the user has to introduce the decimal number. If the number is pure repeating we have to introduce the repetend (set of digits that is repeated) and
if the number is mixed repeating, we also have to introduce the finite part of the decimal (decimal digits that are not repeated and appear before the repetend).
After introducing the decimal number and pushing the button the app shows the steps to get the equivalent fraction.
The app also shows the type of decimals that can be converted into fraction and a brief explanation about each type.
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