MathMaster is a calculator for triangles, circles, pyramids, jack rafter / pyramid cut, drawers and hole slope shelf units.
Calculate quickly for example the miter of a jack rafter, the cutting angle of a pyramid, hole shelf units for pitched roof areas.
Calculate missing angles for a triangle or a polygon, circle segments, wrong miter and much more. / pyramid cut
Calculate drawers and drawer systems for constructing furniture.
Which craftsman never needed quickly a special angle?
As a joiner i know this problem very well and decided to develop a app to make our life easier.
It all started with simple triangle calculations, but that was not enough. You can calculate all measures from angles and length in a circle segment very fast. With two details you can get all measures and angles from a polygon.
With four measures you can calculate all angles of a pyramid, a cut pyramid or of a jack rafter.
The offset from a miter or a wrong miter is calculated in seconds.
Especially for joiner and cabinet maker
Calculate the cutting measures for Hettich and Blum drawers and drawer systems (more producers coming soon), without searching in catalogs.
There are no need to make a elevation or to draw a CAD, before constructing a shelf unit for a pitched roof area. In a few seconds you can start with building straight away.
You will see it was never easier to make simple or difficult calculations.
Calculate quickly for example the miter of a jack rafter, the cutting angle of a pyramid, hole shelf units for pitched roof areas.
Calculate missing angles for a triangle or a polygon, circle segments, wrong miter and much more. / pyramid cut
Calculate drawers and drawer systems for constructing furniture.
Which craftsman never needed quickly a special angle?
As a joiner i know this problem very well and decided to develop a app to make our life easier.
It all started with simple triangle calculations, but that was not enough. You can calculate all measures from angles and length in a circle segment very fast. With two details you can get all measures and angles from a polygon.
With four measures you can calculate all angles of a pyramid, a cut pyramid or of a jack rafter.
The offset from a miter or a wrong miter is calculated in seconds.
Especially for joiner and cabinet maker
Calculate the cutting measures for Hettich and Blum drawers and drawer systems (more producers coming soon), without searching in catalogs.
There are no need to make a elevation or to draw a CAD, before constructing a shelf unit for a pitched roof area. In a few seconds you can start with building straight away.
You will see it was never easier to make simple or difficult calculations.
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