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اناشيد المولد النبوي

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About اناشيد المولد النبوي

We welcome you to the application of the Prophet’s birthday songs

The Prophet’s Birthday Songs application includes several sections containing useful information, including the date of the Prophet’s birthday
Which is considered the birthday of the Prophet for Muslims. The application of the Prophet’s birthday songs also contains pictures of congratulations on the honorable birthday of the Prophet. Some may ask about the date of the Prophet’s birth. Some disagreed about that, but most said that the date of the Prophet’s birth is 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal.

Some people ask some questions provided by the application of the Prophet’s birthday songs:
Are you looking for when is the Prophet’s birthday holiday?
Are you looking for the date of the Prophet’s birth?
Are you looking for the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet?
Are you looking for pictures of the Prophet’s birthday?
Are you looking for pictures of the Prophet’s birthday?
Are you looking for congratulations on the Prophet’s birthday?
What do you know about the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday?
Are you looking to download songs for the Prophet’s Birthday?
Are you looking to download the songs of the Prophet’s birthday?
Are you looking for the Prophet’s Birthday sermon?
Are you looking for the book “Mawlid al-Nabawi”?

The Prophet’s Birthday Songs application contains information that will benefit you. Download the application now
Disclaimer: This application contains information collected taking into account transfer rights. We hope to contact us if there are any rights.

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