Pokédrock Pokémon Mod for MCPE icon

Pokédrock Pokémon Mod for MCPE

Vanilla Stickers
3.9 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Pokédrock Pokémon Mod for MCPE

NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG. New SERP Pokecraft Pokédrock Pokémon Addon for Minecraft pocket edition - SERP Pokecraft Pokédrock MOD it is an addon installer for Minecraft.

This app is an auto addon installer for Minecraft which installs, SERP Pokédrock: Pokecraft Pokémon Addon for MCPE
, just follow the steps inside the app and you're done.
Installation of the addon for Minecraft PE is very easy and simple!

Welcome to the world of Pokémon! This addon have a combat system, mounts and real evolutions If you want to enjoy the full experience of the addon, activate the experimental game mode!

BIG UPDATE! (check changelog below):
Starting & Battling Update
Reigning & Finding Update

1st gen addon follows the Kanto pokédex, Pokémon will be added little by little. The addon have a basic combat system. but at the same time keeping the vanilla style of minecraft.
2nd gen addon follows Johto's pokédex.

(works both in beta and official version of minecraft bedrock 1.17 on any platform)

Please read the installation guide within the app!

-bulbasaur is a cute and docile Pokémon, but when disturbed it can fight back. You can find it in all types of forest except the snowy ones

-charmander prefers hot climates, you will find it in the mountains and near lava lagoonss

-squirtleis a great swimmer! You will find it in rivers and beaches, although sometimes it visits the nearby villages.

-caterpie are very weak, but with patience and good training they can be the strongest companions!

supported languages:

- English

- Portuguese

- Español

All the entities and objects of this addon are based on the characters from the video game series: Pokémon and Pokecraft

How to install:
1. Make sure to grant permission to the "SERP Pokecraft Pokédrock: Pokémon Addon for Minecraft PE" app in order to install
2. Click install on the sidebar menu.
3. If you installed an add-on, don’t forget to apply the resource pack and/or behavior pack when creating a new world or editing an existing world to Minecraft.


*1st gen 1.4.6 changelog:
Geodude Evolutionary line was added,

Rhyhorn Evolutionary line was added,

The new Stones lot was fixed,

Oddish leaves was fixed,

Paras and parasect were remodeled,

Geodude now can be summoned by breaking ores,

New interface for team menu,

New interface for Pokédex,

New interface for battle menu,

New starting system,

New capture methods,

New battle system,

New battle dialogs,

Now the Pokémon need be thrown to wild Pokémon to put "on_fight" tag,

Ride pager was fixed,

Hoopa ring was fixed,

Added compatibility with NPC maps,

More optimization,

Minor bug fixes

*2nd gen 1.1.4 changelog:
Bellossom was added,

Sudowoodo was added,

Politoed was added,

King's Rock was added,

Sun stone was added,

Sudowoodo tree was added,

Repel, super repel and Max repel was added,

Max revive was added,

Dunsparce spawn rule was fixed,

Some particles was fixed,

Translate bugs was fixed,

Now Pokémon can be summoned only with Pokedex

Some particles was fixed,

Minor bugs fixed,

More optimization

Credits to: Zacek el Serpentín & mcpedl

This app addon/mod installer for mcpe Pokecraft is not designed by Mojang. Mojang is a trademark of Mojang AB. Note that we are not affiliated in any manner with Mojang AB or Pokemon or Pokecraft. It's made by fans for fans of MCPE.
We adhere to terms & conditions set by Mojang at : https://account.mojang.com/terms
This App is an unofficial. it is not authorized or created by the creator of the game.
This App comply with US Copyright law guidelines of “fair use”. If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that doesn’t follow within the “fair use” guidelines, please contact us directly.

Pokédrock Pokémon Mod for MCPE Screenshots