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AZ Lottery Players Club

Digital Solutions - Pollard Banknote Ltd.
3.8 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About AZ Lottery Players Club

With the Arizona Lottery Players Club app you can earn loyalty points, enter to win prizes, get special offers, and play digital games to earn tokens to enter exclusive Lucky Lounge Sweepstakes drawings. Use the ticket checker to enter eligible Scratchers(R), Fast Play™, Quick Draw™, and Draw games for Players Club Points and check to see if your tickets are winners. You can redeem your Players Club Points to participate in prize drawings and other promotional offers, or exchange them for Lucky Lounge Tokens to enter into Sweepstakes drawings.

App features include:
· Ticket Checker to enter tickets for points and to check tickets
· Customizable jackpot alerts and winning number notifications
· Up-to-date game information, including prizes remaining
· Ticket entry history, Players Club Loyalty, and Lucky Lounge History
· Players Club and Lucky Lounge Winner Lists

Subject to applicable rules, regulations and laws. Must be 21 years or older to play. Please Play Responsibly. Gambling Problem? Call 1.800.NEXT STEP (1-800-639-8783).

For questions or comments regarding this app, please contact us using the feedback form in the app.

It is important to note that we do not accept wagers, bets, or payments of any kind through our website/apps and we only offer age-controlled products that are sold at authorized retailers within the state. Thank you.