Prayer is the first human deed that will be brought to account on the Day of Judgment.
“Indeed, the first thing that will be accounted for from human deeds on the Day of Resurrection is his prayer. Our Lord 'Azza wa Jalla said to His angels -while He knows better-, "Pay attention to my servant's prayer, is it perfect or is it lacking?"
If it is perfect, then it will be written for him perfectly, and if there is a deficiency, Allah says, "Look again, do my servants have the practice of praying sunnah?"
If there is a sunnah prayer, Allah says, "Complete the deficiencies that exist in My servant's obligatory prayer with his sunnah prayer."
Then all human deeds will be accounted for in this way. Hadith History of Al Imaam Abu Daawud no: 864
“Indeed, the first thing that will be accounted for from human deeds on the Day of Resurrection is his prayer. Our Lord 'Azza wa Jalla said to His angels -while He knows better-, "Pay attention to my servant's prayer, is it perfect or is it lacking?"
If it is perfect, then it will be written for him perfectly, and if there is a deficiency, Allah says, "Look again, do my servants have the practice of praying sunnah?"
If there is a sunnah prayer, Allah says, "Complete the deficiencies that exist in My servant's obligatory prayer with his sunnah prayer."
Then all human deeds will be accounted for in this way. Hadith History of Al Imaam Abu Daawud no: 864
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