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Расписание уроков Корнея

Meranged Mobile
100+ downloads

About Расписание уроков Корнея

We made this mobile application with my first-grader son Korney as part of his first project at the Lyceum No. 1 Sputnik in Samara. His task was to formulate requirements and test the finished application. My task was everything else. The main idea of ​​the project was to introduce his son to the process of developing a mobile application from start to finish. We have quite a few ideas on how to develop this application, and if you support us with your feedback and downloads, we will definitely improve it. In the meantime, the application has:
- call schedule
- list of teachers with their photos
- a list of subjects indicating the teacher and the office where classes are held
- weekly lesson schedule
- the ability to record homework
- the screen "What is now", where you can see what lesson is going on now, how much is left before it ends, what will happen next, what was asked for the next lesson.

And yes, the application does not need the Internet. I know that for some parents this is very relevant;)

We welcome your feedback and comments,
Andrey and Korney.

Расписание уроков Корнея Screenshots