Weather forecast for Ukraine from the Ukrainian site about weather Meteopost.
We provide a forecast for all settlements of Ukraine (about 30,000).
- The weather forecast in Ukraine for 16 days is presented in the form of a table, as well as in the form of a meteogram - graphs and charts of meteorological parameters. The weather forecast on the server is updated 4 times a day. You can also view the saved forecast data offline.
- We provide weather forecast in Ukraine for the following meteorological parameters: type of precipitation (snow, snow depth, rain, ice rain), phenomena (fog, thunderstorm), precipitation in mm, pressure, air temperature, humidity, wind and gusts.
- Forecast of geomagnetic storms for 3 days.
- Information about the current weather. Updated every 30 minutes Meteorological graphs for the last 24 hours
- Online map of clouds, precipitation and thunderstorms. Update every 10-15 minutes
- Weather forecast for Europe on weather maps.
- Sea water temperature in the Black and Azov Seas. Update once a day.
- Weather and current weather widgets.
- Automatic notifications of current weather and forecast.
- Interface themes (dark, light, automatic).
- Interface languages: Ukrainian and Russian (switches automatically depending on the phone language settings).
We provide a forecast for all settlements of Ukraine (about 30,000).
- The weather forecast in Ukraine for 16 days is presented in the form of a table, as well as in the form of a meteogram - graphs and charts of meteorological parameters. The weather forecast on the server is updated 4 times a day. You can also view the saved forecast data offline.
- We provide weather forecast in Ukraine for the following meteorological parameters: type of precipitation (snow, snow depth, rain, ice rain), phenomena (fog, thunderstorm), precipitation in mm, pressure, air temperature, humidity, wind and gusts.
- Forecast of geomagnetic storms for 3 days.
- Information about the current weather. Updated every 30 minutes Meteorological graphs for the last 24 hours
- Online map of clouds, precipitation and thunderstorms. Update every 10-15 minutes
- Weather forecast for Europe on weather maps.
- Sea water temperature in the Black and Azov Seas. Update once a day.
- Weather and current weather widgets.
- Automatic notifications of current weather and forecast.
- Interface themes (dark, light, automatic).
- Interface languages: Ukrainian and Russian (switches automatically depending on the phone language settings).
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