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Mülk (Tebareke) Suresi

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About Mülk (Tebareke) Suresi

Surah Mulk, which is 67th in the Quran, consists of 30 verses. Since the first verse of this surah begins with Tebarekellezi... it is also known as the Tebareke Surah.

The word "property" in the first verse of the surah means "ownership, sovereignty" and the sura gets its name from here. It is also known as Tebareke or Tebarekel property names because of "Tebareke'llezi" at the beginning of its first verse.

The surah, whose subject begins by mentioning Allah's majesty and superior power, informs the wisdom of death and life. Drawing attention to the proofs of God's power manifested in the universe, he informs us that He will resurrect people, therefore believers will be rewarded and unbelievers will be punished.

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After downloading Surah Mulk;
- Arabic Recitation of Surah Mulk
- Surah Mulk Turkish Recitation
- Listen Surah Mulk Audio
- Meal of Surah Mulk
- The Virtue of Surah Mulk
- The Subject of Surah Mulk
- You can easily access Surah Mulk Tafsir information.

Property duration is free.

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There is the feature of download Surah Tebareke with audio, download Surah Tebareke without internet.

There is a feature of audio download and listen without internet.

You can download Surah Tebareke and read it comfortably by zooming in on the desired page with the zoom feature.

Memorizing Surah Mulk is very easy with our application.

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