At about 12 years begins the path of Giampaolo, when in the scraps of time between school commitments, those to look after the farm of his father's company, and moments of leisure typical of young children of that age, he went to the butchery of his country of origin , Serramanna, where he helped the butcher to the meat processing. Immediately emerged the passion and talent of this young boy, so much so that at only 16 years is hired to work full time in the butcher. Over time he learned to know the secrets of the trade, with so much sacrifice and with the great humility that still characterizes him, his dream comes true.
In 1998, thanks to the experience gained, he set up his company.
The company, today operates in the municipality of Serrenti, where it has been operating for about 20 years and where the company's approach has always been to offer its customers exclusively fresh and quality meat.
Today the company, to keep up with the times, has equipped this great tool with its personalized APP, with the aim of being closer and closer to customers to satisfy them in the best way in every request.
In 1998, thanks to the experience gained, he set up his company.
The company, today operates in the municipality of Serrenti, where it has been operating for about 20 years and where the company's approach has always been to offer its customers exclusively fresh and quality meat.
Today the company, to keep up with the times, has equipped this great tool with its personalized APP, with the aim of being closer and closer to customers to satisfy them in the best way in every request.
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