* Background and causes
- Background of indigenous resistance
- Causes of indigenous resistance
- Forms of exploitation
- the mining mita
- the obrajes
- entrustment
- the divisions
* Indigenous uprisings
- Uprising of Tupac Amaru II
- Tomas Katari Uprisings
- Tupac Katari Rebellion
* Important characters
- Tupac Amaru - Jose Gabriel Condor Canqui
- Micaela Bastidas
- Tomas Katari
- Tupac Katari - Julian Apaza
- Bartolina Sisa
- Gregoria Apaza
* Videos
- Indigenous women in the fight against the colony: Bartolina Sisa and Gregoria Apaza
- Video: Uprising of Tupac Katari
- Video: Rising of Tomas Katari
- Independence, Chapter 1, Rebellious Indians
* Evaluation
- Asking game
- Scores
* Background and causes
- Background of indigenous resistance
- Causes of indigenous resistance
- Forms of exploitation
- the mining mita
- the obrajes
- entrustment
- the divisions
* Indigenous uprisings
- Uprising of Tupac Amaru II
- Tomas Katari Uprisings
- Tupac Katari Rebellion
* Important characters
- Tupac Amaru - Jose Gabriel Condor Canqui
- Micaela Bastidas
- Tomas Katari
- Tupac Katari - Julian Apaza
- Bartolina Sisa
- Gregoria Apaza
* Videos
- Indigenous women in the fight against the colony: Bartolina Sisa and Gregoria Apaza
- Video: Uprising of Tupac Katari
- Video: Rising of Tomas Katari
- Independence, Chapter 1, Rebellious Indians
* Evaluation
- Asking game
- Scores
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