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Inquisit 6

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10,000+ downloads

About Inquisit 6

Conduct or participate in psychological research on your Android mobile device.

The Inquisit Player enables psychological researchers to administer neuropsychological tests and surveys on Android tablets in the lab, clinic, or in the field, in both online or offline modes. Participants can run psychological research studies remotely using their Android device.

Inquisit is a leading tool among psychological and behavioral researchers for computer-based measurement of a wide variety of psychological processes and functions. Inquisit supports over 100 well known psychological tests, including the IAT, ANT, Stroop, Wisconsin Card Sort, Iowa Gambling Task, N-Back, Digit Span, Dot Probe, Flanker Task, Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), Simon Task, Mental Rotation, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), Go/No-Go, Simple Reaction Time, Stop Signal Task, OSPAN, Trail Making Test, Tower of London, and dozens of others. Administer the tests as is, customize them, or program your own.

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