How do discounts of 40%, 30% and 20%?
When you place an order in Rio de Janeiro or in Joinville (SC), the app immediately will track how many free taxis are close by. If there are many taxis, it will be suggested that you propose a 40% or 30%, as there are high chances of a taxi driver to accept your request.
If there are few taxis around, the suggestion is that you propose a 20% discount, the value of the meter or even a tip of $ 5, to attract the driver quickly to your request.
The app will only make a recommendation; therefore you will always be free to select the one you want to make the taxi driver, whether off or tip.
You will be served by a fleet of selected drivers, physically registered in our company. You shall also have at their disposal a call center by phone 24h, for any eventuality, such as forgotten objects inside the car.
In addition, our app also offers:
- View on the start screen of your favorite addresses
- Option to include special needs
- Selection of local public addresses around
Enjoy this new experience. And good trip!
When you place an order in Rio de Janeiro or in Joinville (SC), the app immediately will track how many free taxis are close by. If there are many taxis, it will be suggested that you propose a 40% or 30%, as there are high chances of a taxi driver to accept your request.
If there are few taxis around, the suggestion is that you propose a 20% discount, the value of the meter or even a tip of $ 5, to attract the driver quickly to your request.
The app will only make a recommendation; therefore you will always be free to select the one you want to make the taxi driver, whether off or tip.
You will be served by a fleet of selected drivers, physically registered in our company. You shall also have at their disposal a call center by phone 24h, for any eventuality, such as forgotten objects inside the car.
In addition, our app also offers:
- View on the start screen of your favorite addresses
- Option to include special needs
- Selection of local public addresses around
Enjoy this new experience. And good trip!
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