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Jboxcoin is A decentralized blockchain video streaming app designed to reward your leisure time as a content provider and as a viewer with our native token "JBOXCOIN"through a unique dual mining algorithm called POU and POV namely( proof of upload and proof of view).

Jbox app is designed for the sole purpose of rewarding entertainment and streaming lifestyle.
this is a multipurpose technology designed to suit your everyday need with non-stop entertainment cutting across all strata of human endeavor like aerospace industry, music, dance,debates, comedy skit,talk shows etc.

Yes you can make money from the jbox app simply by exploiting our unique mining Algorithm
called (POU and POV)

POU simply means "The proof of upload" For every minable content you put on the jbox platform you get rewarded with our native coin or better called Token dropping into your wallet every twenty seconds irrespective of the length of the video. this feature is akin to the "Youtube platform" that rewards content providers based on views accumulated from an organic content created by users, the only disparity with "jbox" is that every view count for 0.001 jbx which drops into your native jbx wallet on the JBOX app and is tradeable on all listed exchanges on the jbox website www.jboxcoin.org.

POV: simply as is it sounds! it means "The proof of view" This exciting mining feature is designed to rewards user for every content viewed on the platform but note that jboxcoin is minable only for every 20 sec you spend on a video content, so you do the math and see How much jbx coin you get from contents with Longer time frame
A Lot right ? you see! that's why everyone is a winner on the jbox platform.

j-purse : it a feature that allow users to donate already mined coin to other users on the platform for reasons best know to the wallet owner, this might be as a result of charitable donation, fan love, or others, it primary objective to appreciate any intriguing or satisfactory video content by donating jboxcoin to the content providers wallet.

you can also comment, like, react, follow, and tag video, and people on the jbox platfrom.

The exchange also allows you to trade your already mined jbox coin into other pairs like bitcoins, ethereum, and USDT or Realtime cash in your local currency This is a feature that is will be introduced soon!