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200 Erhu Music

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About 200 Erhu Music

Dizi, Erhu, Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Hulusi, and Matouqin are the most representative national musical instruments in China.

You can also make ringtones and ringtones from the beautiful Erhu music!
Compared with other music apps, Xuefeng Music is a music that focuses on the triple enjoyment of viewing, listening, and heart.

QQ group: 22292344

In the Tang Dynasty, all ethnic groups in the West and the North were called Hu people, and Huqin was the general name for musical instruments imported from the West and the North. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Huqin became the general term for bowed stringed instruments.

The bowed string instrument first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, probably from the plucked stringed instrument zither, which developed from the bamboo zither.

Song Dynasty Chen Yang's "Book of Music" is the earliest documentary record of Hu Qin.

During the May 4th Movement, Liu Tianhua integrated European music theory and performance skills. According to the characteristics of Chinese folk music and the violin, he set the erhu strings as d and a, and innovated the erhu performance skills to expand the expressive power of the erhu and become the erhu. Create a number of solo music.

In the 1920s, Zhou Shaomei, Zhou Ronggen, and Tao Hongmao collaborated to improve the erhu: lengthen the shaft to 90 cm, enlarge the barrel, switch to snake skin, switch to soft bow, switch to thicker strings, and improve the volume and tone .

In the 1930s, Jiang Fengzhi designed the "hexagonal dumbbell style" erhu, also known as "Jiang's Southern Hu". Zhou Rongting, Jiang Fengzhi, Lu Xiutang and others jointly designed the "Yangshan handle" erhu and "Huiwentou" erhu.

From the 1950s to the 1960s, professional "ethnic orchestras" that imitated symphony orchestras such as the Shanghai National Orchestra, China Broadcasting National Orchestra, and China National Orchestra appeared, increasing the demand for erhu majors.

In 1963, the first National Erhu Competition was held at the 4th Shanghai Spring Music Festival.

In the 1970s, Tang Liangde developed an erhu with octagonal front octagonal and back-round (square circle) and an adjustable half-moon-shaped sound window. In 1975, Wang Guotong and Man Ruixing formulated the dimensions of the "Bian Ba" erhu: the length of the piano tube is 133 mm, the longitudinal diameter of the front mouth is 86 mm, the horizontal diameter is 92 mm, and the inner diameter of the rear mouth is 84 mm; the bamboo tube is added to the piano tube. To improve the treble tone.

In the 1970s, Wang Guotong and Man Ruixing began to develop Erquan Qin. In the 1980s, Min Huifen, Wang Ruiquan and Shen Deqing successfully developed it.

Modern erhu works appeared, including "Northern Henan Ballad" (1959), "Sanmenxia Imagination" (1960), Erhu Concerto "Great Wall Caprice" (1982) and so on.

In the mid-to-late 1980s, hundreds of erhu solo music have been published, and large-scale erhu music such as ballads and concertos have been developed.

Professional competitions such as the Taipei National Instrumental Music Competition and the CCTV Folk Music Competition have been held one after another.

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