Spanish Dictionary - more than 150,000 words and definitions!
Novo Dictionary of the Spanish Language (Cândido de Figueiredo)
Spanish Dictionary - simple and fast, with a large number of words
The application Dictionary of the Spanish Language has more than 35 thousand words of which you can search if you need to connect to the internet.
The application is ideal for students and teachers of basic education, middle school, university and post-graduation students.
The Spanish dictionary explains the meaning of Spanish words, based on Spanish. Free!
Features :
- List mode sorted by alphabet
- Search mode with autocomplete function that predicts the word as you type this will be helpful to get the meaning of any word.
- Unlimited favorites list for quick access to the terms you see the most.
- Unlimited use without "locked" content
- You can adjust the font size and type
- No internet connection needed to use the app
- Friendly interface with material design
- search history list.
Novo Dictionary of the Spanish Language (Cândido de Figueiredo)
Spanish Dictionary - simple and fast, with a large number of words
The application Dictionary of the Spanish Language has more than 35 thousand words of which you can search if you need to connect to the internet.
The application is ideal for students and teachers of basic education, middle school, university and post-graduation students.
The Spanish dictionary explains the meaning of Spanish words, based on Spanish. Free!
Features :
- List mode sorted by alphabet
- Search mode with autocomplete function that predicts the word as you type this will be helpful to get the meaning of any word.
- Unlimited favorites list for quick access to the terms you see the most.
- Unlimited use without "locked" content
- You can adjust the font size and type
- No internet connection needed to use the app
- Friendly interface with material design
- search history list.
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