This application allows you to calculate the rolling (moving) average of a set of values input by the user. For each value input, the application stores the input date and calculates the average of the most recent values. All values and dates used for the rolling average can be edited at any time. Data can be saved to an external file or loaded from an external file.
You can choose how many values will be used to calculate the rolling average up to a maximum of 100, as well as the number of decimal places to be displayed. It's perfect for tracking weight, BMI, blood sugar levels or any other type of measurement.
You can track up to five sets of data. You can also track blood pressure data and average the two readings for each measurement together. Each dataset can be exported individually to an external file.
This is my first ever Android app and it's free with no ads, so please be kind if you choose to leave a review. Thanks for your understanding. If you want to improve it yourself or use the code for your own project, you're welcome. You'll find the code here:
You can choose how many values will be used to calculate the rolling average up to a maximum of 100, as well as the number of decimal places to be displayed. It's perfect for tracking weight, BMI, blood sugar levels or any other type of measurement.
You can track up to five sets of data. You can also track blood pressure data and average the two readings for each measurement together. Each dataset can be exported individually to an external file.
This is my first ever Android app and it's free with no ads, so please be kind if you choose to leave a review. Thanks for your understanding. If you want to improve it yourself or use the code for your own project, you're welcome. You'll find the code here:
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