Stories of the Prophets complete written, illustrated and audio
The application of the complete stories of the prophets without the Internet includes all the stories of the prophets and messengers and the prophetic biography written, with audio and images. And test your knowledge about the prophets
Each story of the prophets of God contains an admonition and wisdom that differs from the other, so we must read these interesting stories, even one a day, and tell them to our children so that they learn from them and grow up on good morals... What are you waiting for anymore!! Download the app!
The application of complete stories of the prophets without the Internet, easy to use and responsive, includes a group of stories that God wanted us to draw a lesson from their events and deepen their significance. And the miracles of the prophets
The application is designed to be compatible with all Android devices, and it works without connecting to the Internet.
This application includes the stories of the prophets and all messengers, and God willing, all their fragrant stories will be dealt with through what came in the Holy Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, where God brought together for his Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the qualities of perfection and the virtues of what He distinguished himself from the rest of the people of the earth, so he was a nation that gathers goodness, a good example in all acts of righteousness, and a classy example to be followed in dealing with people in general and in particular, young and old, believers and unbelievers. In a new encyclopedic application entitled (Stories of the Prophets in full), we get to know our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in terms of his dealings with the types of people and manners despite their different characteristics and the variation of their conditions. We get to know him as a husband, father, neighbor, owner, seller, buyer, judge and mufti. Ethics, and its sweetness with the virtues of attributes.
I hope you get benefit
The application of the complete stories of the prophets without the Internet includes all the stories of the prophets and messengers and the prophetic biography written, with audio and images. And test your knowledge about the prophets
Each story of the prophets of God contains an admonition and wisdom that differs from the other, so we must read these interesting stories, even one a day, and tell them to our children so that they learn from them and grow up on good morals... What are you waiting for anymore!! Download the app!
The application of complete stories of the prophets without the Internet, easy to use and responsive, includes a group of stories that God wanted us to draw a lesson from their events and deepen their significance. And the miracles of the prophets
The application is designed to be compatible with all Android devices, and it works without connecting to the Internet.
This application includes the stories of the prophets and all messengers, and God willing, all their fragrant stories will be dealt with through what came in the Holy Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, where God brought together for his Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the qualities of perfection and the virtues of what He distinguished himself from the rest of the people of the earth, so he was a nation that gathers goodness, a good example in all acts of righteousness, and a classy example to be followed in dealing with people in general and in particular, young and old, believers and unbelievers. In a new encyclopedic application entitled (Stories of the Prophets in full), we get to know our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in terms of his dealings with the types of people and manners despite their different characteristics and the variation of their conditions. We get to know him as a husband, father, neighbor, owner, seller, buyer, judge and mufti. Ethics, and its sweetness with the virtues of attributes.
I hope you get benefit
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