Author Susan Kane explains in her book that a third to half of Americans are introverted, but people pretend otherwise so as not to be labeled a second-rate person. “We are told that being great means being bold, being happy means being social, we see ourselves As a nation of extroverts, which means we've lost interest in who we really are."
Over the course of 384 pages, the book deals with the strengths of the introverted personality, and the writer, who has the introverted personality as she describes herself, works through analysis and scientific research and lists examples of bringing the reader into agreement with his inner worlds and hidden abilities that he can find, in exchange for the “extrovert ideal” system. As expressed in the book, is the ubiquitous belief that the ideal character is sociable, strong, and feels good when in the spotlight.
There are many examples in the book of historical greats and innovators who had an introverted personality. Without introverts, the world would be devoid of the theory of gravity and relativity, such as my novel 1984 and George Orwell's Animal Farm, Google and the Harry Potter series of novels. History also perpetuates personalities such as Roosevelt, Gandhi and Rosa Parks, as They did it because of their introversion, not in spite of it.
The book took seven years of research and analysis from its author to be published in English in 2012, translated into Arabic and published by Dar Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution in 2016, and the author says about the experience of publishing the book, “You would not have read this book if I had not convinced my publisher that I have a sufficiently fake extrovert personality to promote it
Over the course of 384 pages, the book deals with the strengths of the introverted personality, and the writer, who has the introverted personality as she describes herself, works through analysis and scientific research and lists examples of bringing the reader into agreement with his inner worlds and hidden abilities that he can find, in exchange for the “extrovert ideal” system. As expressed in the book, is the ubiquitous belief that the ideal character is sociable, strong, and feels good when in the spotlight.
There are many examples in the book of historical greats and innovators who had an introverted personality. Without introverts, the world would be devoid of the theory of gravity and relativity, such as my novel 1984 and George Orwell's Animal Farm, Google and the Harry Potter series of novels. History also perpetuates personalities such as Roosevelt, Gandhi and Rosa Parks, as They did it because of their introversion, not in spite of it.
The book took seven years of research and analysis from its author to be published in English in 2012, translated into Arabic and published by Dar Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution in 2016, and the author says about the experience of publishing the book, “You would not have read this book if I had not convinced my publisher that I have a sufficiently fake extrovert personality to promote it
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