This light introducing application was developed to help you start online copying of deals on various markets. Running this tutorial app you may access one of the most reliable and comprehensive copytrading service, open accounts and form your optimal portfolio of professional traders. If you trust the developer's analytical skills you may use our trader portfolios which might safe a lot of your precious time. All the diagrams and other data used in CopyTrading App are updated in a live mode on a daily basis.
Regarding App permissions - the current app was built using an app constructor called Mobincube. With this app constructor people can
create various apps with a wide functionality. Some of those functionalities require specific permissions. Thus, even if this app is not using the majority of them, it includes by default the full list of permissions.
If you install this application you agree to the terms published in the following files:
While interacting with this App you may use some web-recources provided by represented CopyTrading website. This website does not belong to developer of the application and all of such recources are represented with conset from their owner according to the public offer agreement for informational purposes.
Regarding App permissions - the current app was built using an app constructor called Mobincube. With this app constructor people can
create various apps with a wide functionality. Some of those functionalities require specific permissions. Thus, even if this app is not using the majority of them, it includes by default the full list of permissions.
If you install this application you agree to the terms published in the following files:
While interacting with this App you may use some web-recources provided by represented CopyTrading website. This website does not belong to developer of the application and all of such recources are represented with conset from their owner according to the public offer agreement for informational purposes.
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