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trainchinese Diccionario Chino

Free (in-app purchases)
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About trainchinese Diccionario Chino

Study Chinese with trainchinese using our free Chinese-Castilian Spanish dictionary with over 50,000 words and thousands of vocabulary lists (eg based on the HSK levels). The words include pinyin, audio, animation and write the characters and many examples. Chinese dictionary use is free.
The system provides memory cards for custom words used to choose and learn your own vocabulary. To use the system you need to register with trainchinese memorization. Registered users can use it for free as long as they do not exceed a weekly quota defined words.
★ Our dictionary contains not only words - phrases contains thousands of examples to help you learn how to use words. Searching is extremely fast, you can search using Spanish, pinyin, Chinese or selecting words from the lists or other results.
★ No matter if you are studying Simplified Chinese (Mainland China and Singapore), or traditional variant (Hong Kong and Taiwan) and that included both. Easily switch between types of Chinese or choose both, to search the dictionary or vocabulary when learning.
★ Use new specific dialogues for each word to share information with other students or teachers of Chinese language.
★ Use memory cards with audio and animations of characters from your search results in the dictionary. Arrange the words ready to learn and share your vocabulary with your friends.
★ Choose your vocabulary and our spaced repetition system ensures that you will memorize the Chinese version and its translation forever.
★ Study what you please: Each flashcard is available in four different ways to represent different aspects of the Chinese language. See Chinese, Pinyin or Spanish and check that you know to translate, or type the words in Chinese and then compare their own writing with an animation of each character stroke by stroke, synchronized!

★ Your flashcards are saved on the device and synchronized with, where you can also train with them and find content. A synchronized time can use the same data in other Android or iOS devices.

★ Add your own notes to study for his words (translations, ideas) - after synchronizing those notes are also available in and your other devices.

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