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Stiker Betawi WAStickerApps

1,000,000+ downloads

About Stiker Betawi WAStickerApps

What's New in Betawi Stickers:
📌 WAStickerApps Meme Stickers
📌 Funny Sticker Wars For WA

- Sticker for WhatsApp, Cute Betawi Sticker Edition -

Hi Guys .. In addition to Sundanese stickers on PlayStore, this time Molehoy has launched WA stickers for whatsapp Indonesia entitled WAStickerApps Funny Betawi Stickers . Are you curious about what funny stickers are in it ??, let's immediately have the latest and best collection of WA stickers which will certainly be fun when used for fun.

Unofficial product. This is only the responsibility of the developer. This is WhatsApp Inc. support or affiliation WhatsApp Messenger, names, trademarks and other registered trademarks and are the property of their respective owners.

1. This app is not affiliated with WhatsApp
2. This application is in accordance with WhatsApp TOS relating to the distribution of WhatsApp stickers
3. This application does not store any user information
4. This is part of the WAStickerApps collection.

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