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Morgan Stanley Matrix Mobile

Morgan Stanley and Co. LLC
1,000+ downloads

About Morgan Stanley Matrix Mobile

The Morgan Stanley Matrix mobile application provides our institutional clients select features from the Matrix platform. This includes Prime Brokerage features. You can read more about the Prime Brokerage features below.

Prime Brokerage:

The Prime Brokerage mobile application is a platform that presents Matrix data and workflows on Android devices. Current features include:

Cash wire summary with approve/reject functionality
Centralised dashboard providing a clear and concise overview of key items requiring attention
Securities lending excess/deficit summary
Margin Summary Screen
The app also has 2 factor authentication, including Android Fingerprint Authentication.

There is no charge to download the application. A valid Matrix account is required to log in. Standard messaging and data rates from wireless provider may apply.

For more info please contact the Matrix Helpdesk.

Morgan Stanley Matrix Mobile Screenshots