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Prière pour un nouveau départ

Bible Verse with Prayer
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About Prière pour un nouveau départ

On this page you will find three inspirational prayers that you can pray when looking for a fresh start in life. The first prayer is a simple prayer asking for God's forgiveness and a new beginning. This is followed by an uplifting prayer film for a new beginning and a traditional self-dedicating Episcopal prayer. If you are currently looking for a new job, there is also a short prayer to guide you in finding the right job.

The scriptures tell us that new beginnings are possible with God's help (2 Corinthians 5:17). When we give our lives to Christ, the old is gone and a new creation is formed. A new path is offered to us. We don't have to rely on our human abilities (Zephaniah 3:17). Confidence and hope are in him. We will have failures and not always make the best decisions, yet with God a new life will begin. Whenever we fail, there is hope and comfort in reaching out to God and praying for a fresh start.

Heavenly Father, prepare to begin a new journey in life. Feelings of fear and the unknown made me doubt this path. Ask yourself if this is what you want for me. Are you listening or making this decision for selfish reasons? say "yes" to this new journey just to please others? Or listen to Your will for my life? Father, guide me. Give me wisdom, discernment and revelation in this new day. Pray that you will give me the words and actions to help others come closer to you. Please take this new life journey to help me have a closer relationship with you. Help me put you first, not myself. (Galatians 6:14) Every moment remind me of Your Holy Presence and Your love. Remind me that you are in control, not me. Thank God. Amen.

Dear Father, thank you for being with me through every season of your life, whether endings or beginnings. Thank you for your word, which reminds me that there is a time for everything under heaven. I praise you for ending my life because you know you have a plan for something new and wonderful. rejoice in your plan and submit to your will. In the name of Jesus pray, Amen.

Faithful God, thank you because you are the God of new beginnings and endings. Father, there are many people today who suffer from an end they are experiencing, such as the end of a loved one's life, a divorce, or the loss of a job. God, please help them to recognize in these very painful moments that they are starting a new chapter in their lives. Help them prepare their hearts for the things you bring them out of and the new things you have in store for them. Amen.

Spring has a special place in your heart. There is so much to see and hear in this spring season. If we keep silent before the Lord and ask him to open our eyes and ears, he will teach us and show us things in this season that will give us new revelation from heaven. If we look and listen, the Lord will show us what He is doing on earth today.

What we do in the morning has a significant impact on our outlook and our mood throughout the day. Starting our mornings with prayer allows us to live with faith and serenity in the grace of God. Praying for gratitude and humility helps us maintain virtue in our daily tasks and interactions. It's common to be distracted, frustrated, or rushed, especially in the morning, but praying to God upon waking gives us the peace to better tackle each day. We are much more resistant to the temptation to sin when we begin to seek God's grace and mercy each day!

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