The application provides a quick search between all house addresses in Slovenia (more than 500,000). In addition to the geographical coordinates, we also get the postal code and the GURS code of each house number.
We can navigate to the headline with Google Maps web app.
In addition to the coordinate, you can add text and image description to the built-in note.
The source of data is the "Register of Spatial Units" of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia.
WARNING: The application requires more powerful hardware to operate. It will not be possible to install it on weaker devices. Each application start requires some patience until all house numbers are loaded into the device's memory. The work is going on pretty fast now.
We can navigate to the headline with Google Maps web app.
In addition to the coordinate, you can add text and image description to the built-in note.
The source of data is the "Register of Spatial Units" of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia.
WARNING: The application requires more powerful hardware to operate. It will not be possible to install it on weaker devices. Each application start requires some patience until all house numbers are loaded into the device's memory. The work is going on pretty fast now.
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