mPro.Onkologiya - a mobile application for oncologists, chemotherapeutists, radiologists, physicians of different specialties, medical students, interns and residents.
The application is built on the basis of today's authoritative sources: national guidelines, clinical guidelines, orders and Health Ministry standards, the WHO international classification, the UICC, the recommendations of the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology.
Diseases - summarizes the main malignancies. Includes description of the clinical picture, methods of laboratory diagnostic tool, current methods of treatment, radiation and chemotherapy scheme.
Standards - contains all the orders and the RF Ministry of Health standards for cancer care in the 2018 Standards conveniently classified, are familiar compact form.
ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases 10th revision in the last edition. Option to add your note.
ICD-O - International Classification of Diseases - Oncology (ICD-O). It is based on the nomenclature of the series "International Histological Classification of Tumors" by WHO.
Classification TNM - classification of tumors of the International Union Against Cancer (International Union Against Cancer, UICC) in the latest edition.
Medication - collected drugs used in oncological practice. Reference is based on clinical pharmacology, are described in detail pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, methods of use, side effects and interactions.
Applications - contains a collection of analyzes (including tumor markers) with the reference values and describing abnormalities, calculators and scale algorithms and diagnostic scheme of treatment, observation.
Liked - the ability to add to any section of the app.
Easy navigation within the application (side panel).
The application is built on the basis of today's authoritative sources: national guidelines, clinical guidelines, orders and Health Ministry standards, the WHO international classification, the UICC, the recommendations of the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology.
Diseases - summarizes the main malignancies. Includes description of the clinical picture, methods of laboratory diagnostic tool, current methods of treatment, radiation and chemotherapy scheme.
Standards - contains all the orders and the RF Ministry of Health standards for cancer care in the 2018 Standards conveniently classified, are familiar compact form.
ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases 10th revision in the last edition. Option to add your note.
ICD-O - International Classification of Diseases - Oncology (ICD-O). It is based on the nomenclature of the series "International Histological Classification of Tumors" by WHO.
Classification TNM - classification of tumors of the International Union Against Cancer (International Union Against Cancer, UICC) in the latest edition.
Medication - collected drugs used in oncological practice. Reference is based on clinical pharmacology, are described in detail pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, methods of use, side effects and interactions.
Applications - contains a collection of analyzes (including tumor markers) with the reference values and describing abnormalities, calculators and scale algorithms and diagnostic scheme of treatment, observation.
Liked - the ability to add to any section of the app.
Easy navigation within the application (side panel).
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