Expenses and income is an application that helps you control your expenses and your income and classify them, get monthly reports for periods graphic, carry out precise verification of savings and debts, access to a calculator and finally a financial analysis that you It gives through a traffic light in relation to your financial situation, giving you options to improve your financial situation.
Income: Add your income by date, classifying, placing amounts and from the reports menu and movements can be updated.
Expenses: Track your expenses by date, classifying, placing amounts and from the reports menu and movements can be updated.
Graphics: Select a period and a graph of all your expenses and your income for that period to see the trend of your expenses and your income as well as the variation between month and month is displayed.
Reports and Movements: Select a period and total revenues, total expenses, as well as details of each income and expenditure details of each show, in this section you can update or delete each and every expense income.
Debts: You can register, update or delete debts that you gain as well as going to manage this debt related to know how long you'll end up paying payments.
Savings: Make all the savings you go carrying every month or every week, this section can register, delete or update saving every penny you go.
Calculator: The calculator you have quick access to perform those calculations necessary and indispensable.
Financial Analysis: Financial analysis is a thermometer that tells you how to go with your personal finances, giving a detailed analysis, giving recommendations and telling you how they move your expenses, your income, your debts and your savings because at the end it shows a graphic standing of each item.
Income: Add your income by date, classifying, placing amounts and from the reports menu and movements can be updated.
Expenses: Track your expenses by date, classifying, placing amounts and from the reports menu and movements can be updated.
Graphics: Select a period and a graph of all your expenses and your income for that period to see the trend of your expenses and your income as well as the variation between month and month is displayed.
Reports and Movements: Select a period and total revenues, total expenses, as well as details of each income and expenditure details of each show, in this section you can update or delete each and every expense income.
Debts: You can register, update or delete debts that you gain as well as going to manage this debt related to know how long you'll end up paying payments.
Savings: Make all the savings you go carrying every month or every week, this section can register, delete or update saving every penny you go.
Calculator: The calculator you have quick access to perform those calculations necessary and indispensable.
Financial Analysis: Financial analysis is a thermometer that tells you how to go with your personal finances, giving a detailed analysis, giving recommendations and telling you how they move your expenses, your income, your debts and your savings because at the end it shows a graphic standing of each item.
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