A part-time tutoring platform for overseas Chinese students. Elite teachers, professional teachers, and international students from prestigious schools provide one-on-one home tutoring and remote video online courses.
An interest education and training platform for overseas Chinese children to meet the rigid learning needs of overseas Chinese children.
Link to educational institutions around you to see real reviews.
Learn Chinese, learn art, learn English, learn musical instruments, share learning experiences here, find learning partners, and make progress together.
Fifteen categories, covering all aspects of learning by interest. If you have any questions, post them and answer them.
Whether you are in North America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, or Australia, you can find your own learning information and learn and progress with your Chinese friends around you.
An interest education and training platform for overseas Chinese children to meet the rigid learning needs of overseas Chinese children.
Link to educational institutions around you to see real reviews.
Learn Chinese, learn art, learn English, learn musical instruments, share learning experiences here, find learning partners, and make progress together.
Fifteen categories, covering all aspects of learning by interest. If you have any questions, post them and answer them.
Whether you are in North America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, or Australia, you can find your own learning information and learn and progress with your Chinese friends around you.
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