evalinoApp - the platform for exchange between day care center and parents.
Communication digital.
We, at eva:lino, want to use our evalino app together with all parents and legal guardians on the journey to a digitally supported world of communication.
Our goals: Our evalinoApp makes day-care center management easier. Ergo we have more time for the most important thing - the children.
The evalinoApp provides a GDPR-compliant and highly secure digital environment for communication. At the same time, analogous processes, such as the note in the backpack on excursions or the notification that a change of clothes is needed, are to be mapped via the app. Updates from daily events can be shared by our employees, diaper changing logs or sleep logs for your own child can be viewed by the authorized persons. Sickness reports from the children are also displayed via the app.
Included: Furthermore, there is an automated translation function by the IBM translator, this function supports barrier-free communication in 40 languages.
The participation of parents and legal guardians in the daily events of the groups is increased by the evalinoApp.
Data security: The data will not be evaluated or sold. You will be on a BSI-certified data center in Germany. After leaving the day-care center, the child's account will be deleted.
Daycare digital? eva:linoApp does it.
Communication digital.
We, at eva:lino, want to use our evalino app together with all parents and legal guardians on the journey to a digitally supported world of communication.
Our goals: Our evalinoApp makes day-care center management easier. Ergo we have more time for the most important thing - the children.
The evalinoApp provides a GDPR-compliant and highly secure digital environment for communication. At the same time, analogous processes, such as the note in the backpack on excursions or the notification that a change of clothes is needed, are to be mapped via the app. Updates from daily events can be shared by our employees, diaper changing logs or sleep logs for your own child can be viewed by the authorized persons. Sickness reports from the children are also displayed via the app.
Included: Furthermore, there is an automated translation function by the IBM translator, this function supports barrier-free communication in 40 languages.
The participation of parents and legal guardians in the daily events of the groups is increased by the evalinoApp.
Data security: The data will not be evaluated or sold. You will be on a BSI-certified data center in Germany. After leaving the day-care center, the child's account will be deleted.
Daycare digital? eva:linoApp does it.
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