Cómo Sacar Turno - Bancos AR icon

Cómo Sacar Turno - Bancos AR

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About Cómo Sacar Turno - Bancos AR

Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with any bank listed in the app, nor are we a bank. It is merely information about the main banks in Argentina on how to carry out certain procedures. We have only collected information and try to display it in a simpler way.

What if I told you that there is a way to reduce the time you spend waiting at the bank?

Our App is the answer. With our application, you can make a shift in the main banks in Argentina from your mobile device in a fast and efficient way. You will not have to go to the bank branch and waste time waiting.

You can download our mobile web app for free on your smartphone and use it with ease. With the help of our application, you will not have to waste time in long banking lines and you will be able to complete your banking tasks faster and more effectively. Enjoy the features of the application by downloading it immediately. You will not regret it, we promise you!

The application will allow you to select the branch and the type of procedure. In addition to that it will show you the office hours of the branch for that office. Once you've determined which time slot best suits your requirements, you can book your banking appointment with just one click. The App will show you how to see the start and end time of service, so you can plan your day.

Taking an appointment at your bank branch, in addition to booking an appointment online, you will be able to find out the requirements to open a bank account, the various loan options, the branch hours, in short, everything you need to know to plan your appointment with the bank.

To make an appointment, you have to take into account:

- You must have a mobile device.
- Enter with your DNI or CUIT, you must have a user and password for self-management.
- Next, you have to select the service you want to perform and the branch where you want to be attended. That's when you choose the time and date of the shift.
- Once these steps are done, you have to review and confirm your data. Through the mail, you will receive the confirmation of the turn.

If, on the contrary, you have already made an appointment at your bank and you cannot go to the branch, we will inform you about how to cancel your previous appointment. In addition, we have informative guides to check what shift you have in case you do not remember the day and time assigned.

Now taking out, canceling or consulting shift is easier than ever. In our App you can find detailed information on each of the following banks:

- Santander Bank
- Patagonia Bank
- Galicia Bank
- Macro Bank
- City Bank
-BBVA Bank
-Columbia Bank
- Bank Between Rivers
- Credicoop Bank
- Comafi Bank
- Current Bank
- National Bank
- Itau Bank
- Bank province
- Bank Supervielle
-HSBC Bank
- ICBC Bank
-Santa Fe Bank
- BSE Bank
- Bank La Pampa
- Formosa Bank
- Hipotecary Banc
- Piano bench
- San Juan Bank
- Santa Cruz Bank

What operations can you process taking a shift?
- Commercial attention.
- Attention by box.
- Access to safe.

To enjoy our App, you only need to have a smartphone with an Internet connection. The app is easy to download and is available on Google Play. Once installed, you can select your bank and find out what you need.

The App is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to save time and avoid long lines at the bank. You no longer have to worry about arriving early to get in line or wasting valuable time waiting. With our application, you will be able to manage your bank appointments quickly and efficiently, from the comfort of your home or workplace.

In short, the Turno Banco AR App is an essential tool for anyone who wants to make the most of their time. Forget the lines at the bank!

Cómo Sacar Turno - Bancos AR Screenshots